Welcome to the web site for the Scottish Shrine on Aspen Mountain in Aspen Colorado
Having skied in Aspen for many years and enjoyed the mountain shrines we decided it was time we gave back to the community. In late summer 2013 we went up Aspen mountain with some pictures and a ladder and the Scottish Shrine was born!
The Shrine features many items pertaining to Scotland many of which are laminated photos, but also included are stuffed animals and figures, and also liquor and ale bottles. Recognizable people or things include: Sean Connery, Scotland as the "Home of Golf," Emma Thompson, Scottie dogs, Andy Murray, Mary Queen of Scots, Culloden 1746, Edinburgh Castle, Alexander Graham Bell, John Logie Baird (inventor of TV), Robert Burns, Stan Laurel (of Laurel and Hardy), David Tennant, the Loch Ness Monster, Robert Louis Stevenson, the "Wild Haggis" animal, Sir Chris Hoy, Mike Myers, Gregor Fisher, Sir Walter Scott, Robbie Coltrane, and Annie Lennox.
We returned in Spring 2014 and added some more photos, flags and other items. We also took many of close-up photos which are shown below.
The shrine was featured in an article in the Houston Chronicle in November 2014 and also in the Austin Statesman also in November 2014

In August 2019 the shrine was significantly updated with some new pictures and memorobilia see below

Credit to David Wood and his site here for some of the links and comments on this shrine
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