Identity a solution?
You may remember my post from May 2018 where I talked about identity being the future of our progress in the digital world.
Maybe there is an answer….I was listening to a TWIT podcast a few days ago and I heard a group of technology security experts talking about exactly what I was discussing in my post.
One of the panelists was Steve Gibson who has been a long time host of the Security Now podcast also on the TWIT network
Steve has been working on an identity solution called SQRL (Secure Quick Reliable Login) which, in very simple terms, put the onus on client sites to obtain identity from the user via unique public/private keys generated for each domain name. Having read the specification I really this, or something like it, could be the answer to our problems. The fundamental idea is the the user provides identity details, it is not stored in a central database owned by someone we are unlikely to ever fully trust.
Take a look….and see what you think